Kagami Biraki Classes, Ceremony, and Dojo Potluck
Kigami Biraki: 1:00pm - 3:00pm, Saturday, January 11th, 2025

New Year's Day Practice
Join us for the first practice of the new year!!
1:00 - 2:15 PM | New Year’s Day Practice (all ages)
2:15 - 3:00 PM | Dojo Cleanup
3:00 PM | Travel to Barton Springs for a Plunge

O-Sensei Memorial Seminar 2024
April 20 - 21, 2024
Special Guest Instructors:
David Halprin, Shihan
Barbara Britton, Shihan
Jo Birdsong, Shihan

Kangeiko - Cold Time Training 2024
Challenge yourself to practice at least once a day for ten days in a row!
AoA members who qualify may test on Saturday, February 10th. There will be an informal celebration at the dojo after testing.
See Classes for schedule details.
Kagami Biraki, 2024
You are cordially invited to practice and celebrate kagami biraki with Aikido of Austin on January 20th!
Children’s Class (ages 5-12) 9AM - 10AM
Teen Class (ages 13-17) 10:15AM - 11:15AM
Adults/Teen Classes 11:45AM - 12:45PM and 1:15PM - 2:15PM
Kagami Biraki Celebration & Potluck 2:30PM
All members who meet their respective kyu/dan requirements will be asked to test. Please talk to Sensei or your senpai at least 4-6 weeks in advance to apply for testing.

Aikido practice, like any art or exercise, requires regular recommitment inside the business of daily life. In Hot Time training we set the personal goal of practicing ten consecutive days (10) in some of the hottest days of Texas’ summer. This is an opportunity to check in with our community, have fun, and see other members who may have different class schedules! At the end of Hot Time training we traditionally have testing for both kyu and dan ranks.
Hot Time/Cold Time training sessions are encouraged, but not compulsory, for students.